TransactionBuilder.this - multiple declarations

Function TransactionBuilder.this

Construct a new transaction builder with the provided refund address

ref this (
  nothrow @safe Unlock function(in ref Transaction, in ref OutputRef) unlocker,
  in ref const(PublicKey) refundMe
) pure nothrow @safe;

ref this (
  nothrow @safe Unlock function(in ref Transaction, in ref OutputRef) unlocker,
  in ref const(Lock) lock
) pure nothrow @safe;

ref this (
  nothrow @safe Unlock function(in ref Transaction, in ref OutputRef) unlocker,
  const(Transaction) tx
) nothrow @safe;

ref this (
  nothrow @safe Unlock function(in ref Transaction, in ref OutputRef) unlocker,
  const(Transaction) tx,
  uint index
) nothrow @safe;

ref this (
  nothrow @safe Unlock function(in ref Transaction, in ref OutputRef) unlocker,
  const(Transaction) tx,
  uint index,
  in ref const(Lock) lock
) nothrow @safe;


unlocker The function to use for unlocking
refundMe The address to receive the funds by default.
lock the lock to use in place of an address
tx The transaction to attach to. If the index overload is used, only the specified index will be attached, and it will be the refund address. Otherwise, the first output is used.
index Index of the sole output to use from the transaction.

Function TransactionBuilder.this

Convenience constructor that calls this.attach(Output, Hash)

ref this (
  nothrow @safe Unlock function(in ref Transaction, in ref OutputRef) unlocker,
  in ref const(Output) utxo,
  in ref const(geod24.bitblob.BitBlob!(64L)) hash
) nothrow @safe;