Module agora.flash.Types

Contains the common types used by the Flash node and the API, as well as some helper types.


flashPrettify(input) Helper routine
serializeMap(val) Rudimentary support for serializing hashmaps


Balance Contains the balance towards each channel participant
ChannelInfo Channel information for Wallets
HTLC Contains the minimum amount of information that needs to be shared with the counter-party in order to make it possible for them to regenerate the HTLC on their side
PrivateNonce A pair of settlement and update private nonces used for signing. This must be kept secret.
PublicNonce A pair of settlement and update public nonces used for signing
Result Embeds a return value for an API as well as any error code and an optional message.
SerializeMap Rudimentary support for serializing hashmaps
UpdatePair The settle & update pair for a given sequence ID


ChannelState Tracks the current state of the channel. States can only move forwards, and never back. Once a channel is closed, it may never be re-opened again.