Function preImageJitter

Given two hash, where one is potentially the pre-image of the other, find by how much they actually differ.

string preImageJitter (
  in ref const(geod24.bitblob.BitBlob!(64L)) h1,
  in ref const(geod24.bitblob.BitBlob!(64L)) h2,
  ulong max_jitter = 1000LU
) nothrow @safe;

This utility was conceived to find off-by-one errors and the likes in code, and should only be used for debuggging, not for testing nor production.


h1 A hash that is likely to be the pre-image of h2
h2 A hash that is likely an image of h1


Hash h1 = "Hello World".hashFull();
Hash h2 = h1.hashFull.hashFull();

assert(preImageJitter(h1, h2) ==
       format("h1 (%s) was a pre-image of h2 (%s) after 2 computation", h1, h2));
assert(preImageJitter(h2, h1) ==
       format("h2 (%s) was a pre-image of h1 (%s) after 2 computation", h1, h2));