Function Ledger.getValidators

Expose the list of validators at a given height

ValidatorInfo[] getValidators (
  in const(Height) height,
  bool empty = false
) scope @safe;

The ValidatorInfo struct contains the validator's UTXO hash, address, stake and currently highest known pre-image. It always returns valid historical data (although the pre-image might be the current one).

Callers expecting the pre-image at a given height should first check that the height is above or equal their expectation, then use the opIndex method to get the correct value for the height they are interested in. This method doesn't expose a mean to do so directly because it would then need to filter out missing validators, which would give the caller wrong indexes for validators.


height Height at which to query the validator set. Accurate results are only guaranteed for height <= this.height() + 1.
empty Whether to allow an empty return value. By default, this function will throw if there is no validators at height. If true is passed, it will not.


If no validators are present at height height and empty is false.


A list of validators that are active at height