Function toPushOpcode

Creates a PUSH_BYTES_* or PUSH_DATA_* opcode based on the length of the data. It does not verify data limits for the stack, as this check belongs in the Stack and the Engine. Additionally it's useful to be able to create exceeding data buffers with this function for testing purposes.

ubyte[] toPushOpcode (
  in const(ubyte[]) data
) pure nothrow @safe;


data the data to create the opcode and payload for


a byte array containing the opcode and the payload


import std.array;
import std.range;
assert(ubyte(42).repeat(75).array.toPushOpcode() ==
    [75] ~ 42.repeat(75).array);
assert(ubyte(42).repeat(255).array.toPushOpcode() ==
    [76, 255] ~ 42.repeat(255).array);
assert(ubyte(42).repeat(500).array.toPushOpcode() ==
    [77, 244, 1] ~ 42.repeat(500).array);  // little-endian form