Struct ValidatorConfig

Validator config

struct ValidatorConfig ;


cycle_seed geod24.bitblob.BitBlob!(64L)The seed of PreImageCycle which is not parsed from the configuraton file
cycle_seed_height HeightThe height of the seed of PreImageCycle which is not parsed from the configuraton file
enabled boolWhether or not this node should try to act as a validator
key_pair immutable(KeyPair)The seed to use for the keypair of this node
max_preimage_reveal ulongHow far in the future (in unit of blocks) pre-images can be revealed
name_registration_interval core.time.DurationHow often we should check the name registry for our own address
nomination_interval core.time.DurationHow often the nomination timer should trigger, in seconds
preimage_catchup_interval core.time.DurationHow often the validator should try to catchup for the preimages for the next block
preimage_reveal_interval core.time.DurationHow often should the periodic preimage reveal timer trigger (in seconds)