Function getUpdatePk

Derive the public key to be used for validating the update transaction. This routine is similar to getUpdateScalar except it only works on public data - such as the counter-parties public keys.

agora.crypto.ECC.Point getUpdatePk (
  in ref const(agora.crypto.ECC.Point) origin,
  in ref const(geod24.bitblob.BitBlob!(64L)) utxo,
  uint num_peers
) nothrow @safe;


origin the counter-party's public key.
utxo the funding transaction's UTXO.
num_peers the number of counter-parties in the channel. This number is used to be able to make multi-party channels where the number of peers is greater than two. It's used for peer nonce derivation.


the derived public key the counter-party used for signing the update tx.