Enum ErrorCode

Lists possible error codes for the API calls.

enum ErrorCode : ushort { ... }

Enum members

AddressNotFound Cannot find this node in the flash node registry
AmountTooSmall The forwarding amount is too small compared to the payload
ChannelNotClosing Channel ID exists but it's not closing / closed.
ChannelNotOpen Channel ID exists but the channel is not open.
DuplicateChannelID Tried to create a new channel ID with the same ID as an existing channel ID.
ExceedsMaximumPayment The receiving node rejects routing this payment as it exceeds its current balance or its comfortable maximum payment amount it's willing to ever route through this channel
InvalidChannelID Channel ID does not exist / unknown.
InvalidConfig Invalid Config
InvalidGenesisHash Mismatching genesis hash. E.g. if one node is running on TestNet and the other on CoinNet.
InvalidOnionPacket Cannot decrypt the payload, or the packet contains invalid data
InvalidSequenceID This sequence ID was not agreed upon, or it's outdated.
InvalidSignature Signature is invalid.
KeyNotRecognized This Flash node does not manage this public key
LockTooLarge The forwarding lock is too large compared to the payload
MismatchingBlockHeight The two counter-parties have mismatching block height information, which means one of the two nodes is out of sync with the blockchain.
None No error.
PathNotFound Couldn't find a path to another node, or it was too long
PrivateChannel Can't route through private channels
ProposalInProgress A payment / update proposal is already in progress. If both parties issue a request towards each other at the same time, only one of the requests can be accepted. The node with priority will have its request proceed, while the other request will be rescheduled for later. The nodes use alternating priorities based on the sequence ID, e.g. [seq 1: N1, seq2: N2, seq 3: N1, seq 4: N2, ...]
RejectedBalanceRequest The new balance request has been rejected, e.g. trying to spend more than allocated in the funding transaction.
RejectedClosingFee Too much fee request for closing TX
RejectedFundingAmount Counter-party disagrees with the funding amount for this channel. The message in the Result may have the node's specific reasoning as to the minimum funding limits of the node.
RejectedFundingUTXO Either funding UTXO does not belong to the given PublicKey or does not have enough funds
RejectedSettleTime Counter-party disagrees with the settle time. The message in the Result may have the node's specific reasoning.
SettleNotReceived Requested an update transaction before the matching settlement was signed.
SettleNotSigned Settlement signature not signed yet
SigningInProcess A new balance update request cannot be made until the active signing process is complete.
Unknown Unknown error
UpdateNotSigned Update signature not signed yet
UpdateRejected Updates with the same balance will be rejected
UserRejectedChannel The Listener rejected opening this channel
VersionMismatch Receiving node implements a different version of the Onion protocol