Struct FlashConfig

Flash configuration

struct FlashConfig ;


control_address stringThe address to listen to for the control interface
control_port ushortThe port to listen to for the control interface
enabled boolWhether or not this node should support the Flash API
key_pair immutable(KeyPair)The seed to use for the keypair of this node This will only be used for paying on-chain fees in uncollaborative close attempts
listener_address stringAddress to the listener which will receive payment / update notifications
max_funding AmountMaximum funding allowed for a channel
max_retry_delay core.time.DurationThe maximum retry delay between retrying failed requests. Should be lower than max_retry_time
max_retry_time core.time.DurationMaximum time spent retrying requests before they're considered failed
max_settle_time uintMaximum number of blocks before settling can begin after trigger published
min_funding AmountMinimum funding allowed for a channel
min_settle_time uintMinimum number of blocks before settling can begin after trigger published
registry_address stringFlash name registry address
retry_multiplier uintMultiplier for the truncating exponential backoff retrying algorithm
timeout core.time.DurationTimeout for requests