Function Channel.onProposedUpdate

Called by a counter-party when it wants to fold HTLCs by revealing secrets or when forced to spend HTLCs for which the time locks have expired.

Result!(agora.flash.Types.PublicNonce) onProposedUpdate (
  in const(uint) seq_id,
  in const(geod24.bitblob.BitBlob!(64L)[]) secrets,
  in const(geod24.bitblob.BitBlob!(64L)[]) revert_htlcs,
  in ref const(PublicNonce) peer_nonce,
  in const(Height) height
) @trusted;

Schedules this request for later.


seq_id the new sequence ID
secrets any new secrets
peer_nonce the public nonce the counter-party will use
height the latest known height for the counter-party. If we don't agree with this height we will reject the update request.


our nonce to use in the signing process, or an error code