Function isInvalidReason

Check the validity of a block.

string isInvalidReason (
  in ref const(Block) block,
  Engine engine,
  Height prev_height,
  in ref const(geod24.bitblob.BitBlob!(64L)) prev_hash,
  scope nothrow @safe bool delegate(in ref geod24.bitblob.BitBlob!(64L), out UTXO) findUTXO,
  scope nothrow @safe string delegate(in ref Transaction, Amount) checkFee,
  scope nothrow @trusted bool delegate(in ref geod24.bitblob.BitBlob!(64L), out EnrollmentState) findEnrollment,
  scope nothrow @safe Amount delegate(geod24.bitblob.BitBlob!(64L)) getPenaltyDeposit,
  ulong active_validators_next_block
) nothrow @safe;

A block is considered valid if: - its height is the previous block height + 1 - its prev_hash is the previous block header's hash - the number of transactions in the block is at least 1 - the merkle root in the header matches the re-built merkle tree root based on the included transactions in the block - Transactions are ordered by their hash value - all the transactions pass validation, which implies: - signatures are authentic - the inputs spend an output which must be found with the findUTXO() delegate

Note that checking for transactions which double-spend is the responsibility of the findUTXO() delegate. During validation, whenever this delegate is called it should also keep track of the used UTXOs, thereby marking it as a spent output. See the findNonSpent function in the unittest for an example.

As a special case, the genesis block is rejected by this function. Validation of a genesis block should be done through the isGenesisBlockInvalidReason function.


block the block to check
engine script execution engine
prev_height the height of the direct ancestor of this block
prev_hash the hash of the direct ancestor of this block
findUTXO delegate to find the referenced unspent UTXOs with
checkPayload delegate for checking data payload
active_validators_next_block the number of validators that will be active at the block the follows the one currently being validated, provided none of them gets slashed this block.


null if the block is valid, a string explaining the reason it is invalid otherwise.