Class Nominator

class Nominator
  : scpd.scp.SCPDriver.SCPDriver ;


this (params, key_pair, clock, network, ledger, enroll_man, taskman, catchup_timer, cacheDB, nomination_interval, externalize) Constructor


acceptBlock @safe string delegate(in ref Block)Delegate called when a block is to be externalized
enroll_man EnrollmentManagerEnrollment manager
onInvalidNomination @safe void delegate(in ref ConsensusData, in string)Delegate called when node's own nomination is invalid
initial_missing_validators uint[]The missing validators at the start of the nomination round
is_shutting_down boolNode is shutting down
kp KeyPairKey pair of this node
ledger ValidatingLedgerLedger instance
log LoggerLogger instance
params immutable(ConsensusParams)Consensus parameters
scp scpd.scp.SCP.SCP*SCP instance
store SCPEnvelopeStoreSCPEnvelopeStore instance
timers ITimer[3]Timers this node has started not including the SCP slot timers


combineCandidates (slot_idx, candidates) Combine a set of transaction sets into a single transaction set. This may be done in arbitrary ways, as long as it's consistent (for a given input, the combined output is predictable). Please see CandidateHolder.opCmp for the actual implementation of which candidate is chosen.
emitEnvelope (envelope) Floods the given SCPEnvelope to the network of connected peers.
getNodeUTXO (slot_index, index) Get the UTXO hash for the index of the validator at a height
getQSet (node_id)
potentialExtraSigs (header) Count how many block signatures could be added from memory
receiveBlockSignature (block_sig) Called when a new Block Signature is received from the network.
receiveEnvelope (envelope) Called when a new SCP Envelope is received from the network. It queues it up for processing by the envelope process fiber.
resetPendingBlock (height) Reset the pending block and arm the timers at defaults again
selfSignBlock (header) Sign the block and add it to the given block header
setQuorumConfig (node_id, quorums) Update our quorum configuration and store the mapping of all quorums for lookup in getQSet().
setupTimer (slot_idx, timer_type, timeout, callback) Used for setting and clearing C++ callbacks which fire after a given timeout.
shutdown () Shut down the timers
signEnvelope (envelope) Signs the SCPEnvelope with the node's private key.
start () Start nominating.
stopNominatingTimer () Stops nominating.
stopNominationRound (height) Stop the nominating round. Should be called after a block is accepted to the ledger.
storeLatestState () Store the latest SCP state and the queued SCP envelopes, for restoring later.
updateMultiSignature (header) Add missing block signatures to provided block header if known
updateSCPObject (node_id) Create or update Stellar SCP object
validateValue (slot_idx, value, nomination) Validates the provided transaction set for the provided slot index, and returns a status code of the validation.
valueExternalized (slot_idx, value) Called when consenus has been reached for the provided slot index and the transaction set. If successful this node's block signature is gossiped to the network in case missing from other nodes.
checkExternalize () If we have majority signatures then externalize to the ledger otherwise check again after receiving signatures
checkNominate () The main nominating function.
computeTimeout (roundNumber) computeTimeout computes a timeout given a round number it should be sufficiently large such that nodes in a quorum can exchange 4 messages
gossipBlockSignature (block_sig) function for gossip of block sig which can be overriden in byzantine unit tests
nominate (slot_idx, next) Nominate a new data set to the quorum. Failure to nominate is only logged.
prepareNominatingSet (data) Check whether we're ready to nominate a new block.
restoreSCPState () Restore SCP's internal state based on the stored latest envelopes
scoreCandidate (data) Calculate a score for the given candidate
signBlock (header) Sign this block using our private key / pre-image.
verifyBlock (signed_block) function for verifying the block which can be overriden in byzantine unit tests

Inner structs

CandidateHolder holds candidate and it's score
CandidateScore Used for comparing consensus candidate values. It contains precomputed fields to speed up sorting.

