Function EnrollmentPool.add

Add a enrollment data to the enrollment pool after validating it

bool add (
  in ref const(Enrollment) enroll,
  in const(Height) avail_height,
  scope nothrow @safe bool delegate(in ref geod24.bitblob.BitBlob!(64L), out UTXO) finder,
  scope nothrow @trusted bool delegate(in ref geod24.bitblob.BitBlob!(64L), out EnrollmentState) findEnrollment,
  scope nothrow @safe Amount delegate(geod24.bitblob.BitBlob!(64L)) getPenaltyDeposit
) nothrow @safe;


enroll the enrollment data to add
avail_height height at which the enrollment is available
finder the delegate to find UTXOs with
findEnrollment A delegate to find previous enrollments


true if the enrollment data has been added to the enrollment pool