Input.this - multiple declarations

Function Input.this

Simple ctor

ref inout this (
  in ref const(geod24.bitblob.BitBlob!(64L)) utxo_,
  Unlock unlock = Unlock(null),
  uint unlock_age = 0u
) pure nothrow @nogc @trusted;

Function Input.this

Ctor which does hashing based on index

ref this (
  in ref const(geod24.bitblob.BitBlob!(64L)) txhash,
  ulong index,
  uint unlock_age = 0u
) nothrow @safe;

Function Input.this

Ctor which does hashing based on the Transaction and index

ref this (
  in ref const(Transaction) tx,
  ulong index,
  uint unlock_age = 0u
) nothrow @safe;

Function Input.this

Ctor to create dummy inputs for Coinbase TXs

ref this (
  in const(Height) height
) nothrow @safe;