Struct ConsensusConfig

struct ConsensusConfig ;


block_interval core.time.DurationHow often a block should be created
chain_id ulongChain ID to be used while calculating hashes Used to protect against replay attacks between networks By conveniention, we use 0 for CoinNet and 1 for TestNet
genesis_timestamp TimePointThe timestamp at which Genesis was mined
max_tx_set_size_kbs uintMax TX set size in KBs
min_fee AmountThe minimum (transaction size adjusted) fee. Transaction size adjusted fee = tx fee / tx size in bytes.
payout_period uintHow frequent the payments to Validators will be in blocks
quorum_shuffle_interval uintThe maximum number of blocks before a quorum shuffle takes place. Note that a shuffle may occur before the cycle ends if the active validator set changes (new enrollments, expired enrollments..)
quorum_threshold uintThreshold to use in the autogenerated quorum. Between 1 and 100.
tx_payload_fee_factor uintThe factor to calculate for the fee of data payload
tx_payload_max_size uintThe maximum size of data payload
validator_cycle uintThe cycle length for a validator
validator_tx_fee_cut ubyteThe share that Validators would get out of the transction fees (Out of 100) The rest would go to the Commons Budget


validate () Validate this struct