Class FeeManager

A class that provides the ability to verify the payload field stored in a Transaction.

class FeeManager ;


this (db, params) Ctor


params immutable(ConsensusParams)Parameters for consensus-critical constants


check (tx, tx_fee) Checks the given transaction has the required fees
clearBlockFeesBefore (height) Clear stored fees for heights already paid
getBlockDataFees (height) Returns the Amount of data fees included in the transaction set of a block
getBlockFees (height) Returns the total Amount of fees in the transaction set of a block
getBlockFreezeFees (height) Returns the Amount of freeze fees included in the transaction set of a block
getCommonsBudgetPayout (height, rewards, validator_payouts) Calculate the Amount of fees that should be paid to CommonsBudgetAddress
getDataFee (data_size) Calculates the fee of data payloads
getFreezeFee (tx) Calculates the fee of freeze outputs
getTxFeeRate (tx, peekUTXO, getPenaltyDeposit, rate) Calculate the transaction fee rate.
getValidatorPayouts (height, rewards, validators) Calculate the Amount of fees and rewards that should be paid to each Validator for the given block height
storeValidatedBlockFees (block, peekUTXO, getPenaltyDeposit) Calculate the Amount of fees included in a block's transaction set

Inner structs

BlockFees Holds amounts of various fee types in a block